You can use the function Verify Distance on the toolstrip to measure the minimum distance between two elements. The elements can be points, lines or surfaces. You can take multiple measurements in a row and view the result of each measurement in the dialog box. You can also view the measurement results in the working window.
You can also start the function by pressing Shift+V.
The function was renewed to version 2020 (26.0). If you want to use the Verify Distance tool that was included in previous versions, press Shift+Ctrl+V. You can also add the function to the user's context-sensitive menu as follows:
Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
Select Customize this pop-up menu.
Right-click on the right side of the dialog box.
Select Insert.
Start typing the command name in the search box: VERIFYDIM 1.
Select the command from the list.
Confirm and close the dialog boxes by clicking OK.
You can change the order of the commands in the menu by dragging with the mouse.
After this, you can select the function from the context-sensitive menu:
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