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Smart Model

Design once, use many times

Save time and reduce repetitive tasks by updating sub-assemblies automatically

A room or a structure can now be designed as a Smart Model to be used in many places. For example, an apartment building may have several identical bathrooms and only a few different bathrooms.

In this case, you'll need to design the bathroom only once and duplicate it to each unit. In case of a design change, only the main model needs to be updated and all changes are automatically updated everywhere where the main model has been used. Simply remove the link to the main model from the bathroom that deviates, and it won't get updated automatically. The Smart Model can also be used in panel detailing, for example in the openings.

Save time

  • Can be updated easily

  • Parts are editable in the model in the same way as any other component

  • It allows the user to make changes to objects of the sub-project and also in the main project

  • Part of the main project, for example panels

  • When structures are unique, but they contain similar part assemblies, you can design it once and use in multiple places -> speeding up the design process


  • Works with objects

  • G4 parts and G4 assemblies supported

  • Panel drawings will be copied between the main project and the sub-project when the smart model is updated to the main project

  • Includes joints


  • No support for 2d macros

  • No support for the Option System

  • Smart Model is included in the Sub Projects add-on option of Vertex BD.

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