Most Wanted Improvements 2025
You asked we listened
Framing tools
Connect/ Disconnect

Add height macro in new location on the ribbon

Move structural columns (build beams - select columns) - move label anywhere
Now it is possible to move labels
Flip corner trims

Change multiple components
Keeps origin
Possible to pick macro component from library
Note! G4-macro component not supported (31.0.0 G4P=2)

Change component to another without ref point
Direction locked to profile plane (eave trim sets)
Keeps position, eave trim sets, even changing roof slope

Opening weight of opening macro
WEIGHT parameter added to parameters field

Document browser
Add multiple sheets from library
Keep sheets up-to-date in custom (not in buildings)

Delete multiple sheets from browser

Copy and rename sheets in browser

Other documents in browser
You can add drawings, attach files, create new folders

Easier to add new components


Site origin in meters (and feet)
If selected, then values for Site North and Site East are given in meters (and also in feets)

Meters supported with IFC
If Meters-option is selected, a new radio button appears in IFC import dialog. If “IFC model origin is positioned on global origin” is selected, then entire IFC-model will be located with an offset. In x-direction the offset is -Site East * 1000 millimeters and in y-direction -Site North * 1000 millimeters.
Meters supported with DWG
If Meters-option is selected and the user imports a DWG-drawing (either with drag & drop or as a reference drawing), the following question will be asked from the user. If the user answers Yes, then all DWG-entities will be located with an offset. In x-direction the offset is -Site East * 1000 millimeters and in y-direction -Site North * 1000 millimeters.