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Small improvements 2022


Profile length

The distance will be shown in the footer when you select a profile

Height level macro

Height macro symbol now keeps correct size despite of view scale.

Attic Space wall selections

Possible to select all walls from the dialog


HVAC punches to work as part of building object group

Building group with added HVAC macros into model, holes are generated automatically

HVAC punch with editable parameters for hatch

HVAC macros have now new parameteres to make hatches, when generate parts. New parameters are to PARAMETERS field in macro database: HATCH=1|PRE~LIB=MACRO_SYS|PRE~CODE=PNC_SYM_HATCH|DX=300|DY=300|OFF0=10|OFFD=10|GAP=2|PNCO=1|PNCI=0

HATCH = 1= hatch

PRE~LIB=MACRO_SYS = macrolibrary and code

DX, DY = dimensionss of hatch

OFF0 = Offset by layer

OFFD = Offset change for upper layers

OFFN = Offset for N- layer

GAP = gap

PNCO ja PNC1 = punched layer, outer, inner side

HVAC punch with editable parameters for shaft

HVAC macros have now new parameteres to make shaftes, when generate parts. New parameters are to PARAMETERS field in macro database: HATCH=0|PRE~LIB=MACRO_SYS|PRE~CODE=PNC_SYM_SHAFT|DX=300|DY=300|OFF0=10|OFFN=0|PNCO=1|PNCI=1

HATCH = 0= shaft

PRE~LIB=MACRO_SYS = macrolibrary and code

DX, DY = dimensionss of hatch

OFF0 = Offset by layer

OFFD = Offset change for upper layers

OFFN = Offset for N- layer

GAP = gap

PNCO ja PNC1 = punched layer, outer, inner side


 Log House


New options added to setup log wall drawing limits

  • loghouse setupiin: search_limits_05marg = 1

You can set limits with a 0.5 mm margin

Log machining direction change, Hundegger K2

  • New keyword to LOGHOUSE-file:
    endo_mach_list= 1

Default is "0"


Mitered dovetail corner FF

Mitered dovetail corner FF + possible to add lightening to machining

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