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Model Individual Trusses

Learn how to model individual trusses for manufacturing, without having to model roof slopes and the entire truss layout.

If you already have engineered truss drawings that you need to model in Vertex BD just to send to manufacturing equipment, you can quickly model them in Vertex BD without having to recreate the entire roof and truss layouts.

  1. Reference in the truss drawing and scale it to full scale.
  2. Use the Profile function to draw the truss members.
  3. Create the connections between the truss members, as needed.  For CFS trusses, use the Connection Details browser from the Joints menu.  The various trim functions from the Joint menu can be used for wood trusses.
  4. Profiles need to be grouped together as a panel before they can be exported for manufacturing.  Select all the profiles in the truss (use the Selection Filter with only Profiles active to assist).  Then, run the Frame Line function from the Build Beams menu to define the panel.
  5. Reset the Selection Filter back to ALL.
  6. Select the panel label and generate the panel drawing using the Beam Assembly - Front View template drawing.
  7. Run the NC Output function to generate the output file for your equipment (requires CNC Manufacturing Link add-on license).
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