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Import an IFC Model as an Object Model

You can import a 3D model into Vertex BD from any architectural CAD software using the IFC file format. For example Autodesk Revit® can export model as an IFC file. The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) data model is intended to describe building and construction industry data. IFC is a platform neutral, open file format specification that is not controlled by a single vendor or group of vendors.

  1. Create a new project. Click File -> New project. Type in a name in the Project id field and select template-zl. Click OK.


     Make sure you select a template that supports Z-Levels (zl) functionality. The template name may be different on your Vertex BD version.

  2. Click Project Document Browser

  3. Right-click Settings and select Edit 3D levels.

  4.  Adjust your project's room heights, and floor and ceiling thicknesses by changing the values on the left window or in the 2D view on the right. Click Help for more information about 3D levels. You can do this also after you have imported IFC model. When importing IFC model, you can adjust floor heights based on information in IFC model.

  5. Select File -> Import -> IFC Import.

  6. Select the IFC file from your hard drive

  7. Select the levels and object types you want to import into Vertex BD. Also, you can check the "Adjust 3D levels automatically" checkbox, then select a 3D level for each level detected in the IFC file.  This controls which drawing-model pair the objects will be placed in during the conversion. You can also control by object type if 2D geometry is created or not for imported IFC object.

  8. After the import is complete, all object are IFC objects and you can start part conversion if needed.
  9. Switch to a drawing-model pair where your walls are. Select a wall in 3D model, right click, choose Advanced –> Switch to this drawing model pair.

  10. Switch to 2D view (Press F2 key) and Right click and select Zoom Extents. If the layout seems to be far away from the green origin marker, you should move the whole building model close to the origin. To find out how far away the layout is from the origin, right click on the coordinate number on the bottom right corner and select Absolute coordinates 

    Move your mouse cursor close to bottom-left corner of your layout to see the coordinate values. If the X or Y value is greater than 1000 feet (300 meters), then you should move the building model closer to the origin.

  11. Additional clean up will most likely be required before generating the framing. For example, the architectural model may have extra wall splices that you may want to merge together. Walls may also have been modeled as very tall walls that you will need to separate into each level of the building (depending on how you want it to be framed). 

See how to convert imported objects to Vertex parts here.

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