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How to add Title block on the sheet

  • Sheets are generally a collection of drawings with possibly added a custom elements on it Or you can create new customer specific reference drawing with their logo on it.

  • Go to ‘Output Tab’ → ‘Drawing sheets’

  • Add new sheet file name (no Spacing)
  • Add Sheet Title name (Alpha-Numeric and spacing allowed) will be displayed on the project document browser
  • Click on OK 

  • You will get an empty sheet. Now we need to add a drawings on it

  • Note: There is another easy way to create new sheet.
  • In the 'Project Document Browser' hover over the title Sheets, right click and from the contextual menu select 'Add New Sheet

  • You will get an empty sheet. Now we need to add a drawings on it

  • Right Click and from the contextual menu click on “Add Drawing sheet and Title Block

  • In this dialog box click on 'Sel'

  • Select the 'Title Block' that you think is suitable by double clicking on it.

  • Click on OK

  • Now you will notice that the cursor changes to represent title block.

  • In order to select the corner reference point of title block, right click and from the contextual menu, click on the basic reference point ( as shown )

  • Select the reference point from the drop-down menu.

  •  Note: Scale can be checked also by clicking on

  • Place the Title block on the sheet ( Title block will automatically zoom out its extents )

  • Now you should have a view that looks something like this.

  • Modify title block as per requirement ( I.e.  Add a Custom Logo, Address etc. )

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