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Edit the Imported IFC model

You may need to flip walls and remove unnecessary objects in the imported IFC model. Convert walls to Vertex BD walls, and create corner and T connections between the walls.

  1. You may need to flip walls if the orientation of a wall is incorrect. Click Flip from the Wall menu.
  2. If the wall orientation is incorrect, click a blue arrow symbol to flip a wall. Arrow is located on the exterior side of the wall. 

  3. Remove unnecessary objects from the model, such as trees and furniture. This step is optional, but can make your 3D model faster to use.
  4. To convert a wall to Vertex BD wall, select wall or walls, right-click and select "Change IFC Wall to Vertex Wall"  

  5. Select a wall from your wall library and click OK. 

  6. You will then be prompted for the reference line, so if the total width of the wall is changing, you can specify how the new walls will be shifted when changed. The "Keep wall height" check box should also be checked in order to maintain the original wall heights when the wall types are changed.

  7. Double check that the locations of the converted walls are correct. Click a grip point to move a wall if necessary.

  8. Repeat steps 15-18 for each different wall type.
  9. Create corners connections. Select two walls, right click and select Create Corner or Butt.


    This functionality is available in 3D and 2D Views. Press F2 key on your keyboard to toggle between 2D and 3D views.

    Tip: To create multiple corners in a row, click Corner Connection from Joint menu before selecting walls.



  10. Create T-connections. Select a wall and right-click a square grip point and select Create T Connection.


    The functionality is available in 3D and 2D Views. Press F2 key on your keyboard to toggle between 2D and 3D views.

  11. Select the target wall

After all the steps are completed, you can proceed with framing macros, panel breaks, and generating the panel elevations.

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