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Add Any Browser Tool to the Right-click Menu

Any building component or connection found in a browser can be added to the right-click menu. For example, Steel LGS joints can be quite handy especially while editing frames in 3D view, Edit frame mode as well as in one truss engineering. Although you have to add them separately in each mode. Just follow the steps shown below :

1.  Start Vertex BD and open any project. Switch to either one of 2D or 3D view.

2.  Right-click in the blank area of Vertex window and select 

 Customize this pop-up menu.

3.  In the  Edit pop-up menu window on the Functions column, right-click and select Insert.

4.  Add the following command structure:                                                                                                                                        ( Note: there is a space after LGS )  

  • One command at a time and click OK

The term "BDSJOINT/LGS" is the joint library's code found in system library's after pressing Settings

The - means it's a browser and the number signifies the Thumbnail number, also found under system libraries after selecting Edit Library.


  • Now you can see the first command have been added. 
  • Repeat step 3 and step 4 to add rest of the commands.

  • Once all four commands have been added to Functions column click OK.

  • Now these four commonly used connections are available in right-click menu.

Please note:

In the example above, the LGS joint tool bitmap icons appear in the right-click menu. But bitmap icons do not exist for all browser components or connections. In this case, you can create a bitmap icon by yourself and save it to custom/bmp/tbar folder. Name the bitmap icon file according to the command name. For example:

Command: BDSJOINT/LGS -1
Bitmap icon file: bdsjoint_lgs_-1.bmp

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