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3. 3D PDF

How to save 3D framing model as 3D PDF

1.  Exporting model to 3D PDF,  you have to be in 3D view of your model.

2.  Go to FileSave As  and it is important that you select Save as

 3.  You can select destination folder or you can create a new folder called '3D_PDF'   

  • Generally it is a good idea to save the 3D PDF model under the same project. 

  • File name : type the file name for example '3D_FRAMING'

  • Save as type :  it is imperative to select 'Adobe Acrobat Documents (*.pdf)' and Revision 'pdf 3d' get filled automatically. and the file name extension alos changes to .pdf

  • Click on Save.

4. Tick all the views ( so Later when you open 3D pdf model, all these views  will be available under Views tab ) and click OK .

  • Now 3D Framing Model has been created.

Open 3D PDF model

  • To open the model  go to 'Project Document Browser'→ click on Settings right click and from the contextual menu click on 'Open Project Folder'

  • Click on the 3D model to activate it

  • All these views ( shown below ) are available under 'View tab' and of course you can also rotate the model freely
  • To rotate the 3D model freely, hold down the left mouse button and move your mouse. 
  • To pan the 3D model, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard and move your mouse. 


How to Change  3D PDF Resolution

  • You can change  3D PDF resolution to suit.
  • Open the 3D PDF model. 

  • Click on 'Edit' and from the drop down menu  click on Preferences → Page Display

  • Select 'Page Display'


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