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Upgrading File Server Installation

These instructions cover the main version upgrade from 2023 (29.0) to 2024 (30.0) of a Vertex CAD program installed on a file server.


Are you upgrading across multiple versions? Or do you want to keep the previous version in use just in case?

In these cases, install a fresh new version. See the instructions for Upgrading Across Multiple Versions.

Backup Files

In general, the upgrade routine replaces only the system folder. It does not touch the user’s data storage (models, libraries, and databases) in shared folder, nor the user’s environment files in custom folder. Nevertheless, we recommend that you make a full backup copy of your system before upgrading it. This can be done by copying the main folder of Vertex CAD program with its sub folders to another location on the disc or on a network server.

Vertex’s main folder, for example:

  • C:\vxg4 (Vertex G4 - one user installation in the root of the C drive)
  • D:\vertex\vxbd (Vertex BD - one user installation in the vertex folder of the D drive)
  • \\SERVER\vertex\vxg4plant_srv (Vertex G4 Plant - file server installation)

Prepare for the upgrade

  1. Follow the instructions you have received to download the installation package, and save it to the C:\TEMP folder, for example.

  2. Extract the compressed file as follows, for example: select the file and Extract All... from the right-click menu. (Extract All…).

  3. Start the installation or update by double-clicking the installation program install.exe in the extracted folder.
  4. Make sure you know the protection method of the software and have the required license. Depending on the protection method you need one of the following:

    Protection method
    What you need
    NetVID licenseActivation code for the license
    License serverName of the computer working as the license server and the number of the port using the license service
    HASP protection moduleLicense file LICENSE.TXT
    Time limited license file tied to the computer's identification code

    License file LICENSE.TXT

If you upgrade the program directly on the server, or on the same workstation from which you installed the file server originally, the installation program finds the installation and suggests the upgrade.

Installation path of the workstations

During the upgrade, the installation program asks for the installation path of the workstations. The default is C:\vx[..], where [..] is the application-dependent character string (for example C:\vxg4, C:\vxbd, C:\vxg4plant, C:\vxed). Usually, the default path is correct. If necessary, you can check the correct path from one of the workstations, or you can view the file:

keyword path= 

If a local license server is used

The upgrade program should not ask for the license server and the port number. If necessary, this information can be found in the file:

keyword lserver= 

For example:
lserver= "SERVER:2003"

Upgrade to server

Close all applications

Close all applications before the installation.

Start the upgrade

  • Double-click the installation program install.exe in the installation package.
  • Confirm the installation if prompted by user account control.

Select the installation language

  • Select the same language that was used when the program was installed earlier.
  • Please note, that there are separate upgrade packages for Finnish and English, for example.

Select the installation option

  • Select Vertex Servers.
  • Select the server option Network Server.
  • The client license is automatically upgraded when the program is started on the workstation after the server is upgraded.

Accept the license agreement

  • Read the license text and accept it.

Accept the data collection agreement

The program sends user information to Vertex Systems Oy during the use of the program.

  • This data is used for verifying the software license (NetVID license).
  • The data is also used for improving the software quality and user experience.
  • This data contains but is not limited to IP address and certain unique identifiers for your system.

Version to update

This question only appears if there are Network Server installations on the computer (the installation was done from this computer even if the server itself is somewhere else).

  • Select Update from version.
  • Note: If this question does not come up, but the program only proposes installation, stop the upgrade.
  • In this case, you must find the computer from which the server was installed, or upgrade according to the instructions Upgrade Across Multiple Versions.

License file location folder

This only applies to HASP protected workstations. 

  • If all licenses are shared from the license server, skip this step.
  • If you are using a NetVID license, skip this step.
  • Enter the location of the protection file LICENSE.TXT, if you use workstation-specific HASP protection modules. If necessary, you can later save the LICENSE.TXT file in the user folder of the Vertex installation on the file server, for example:
    • \\SERVER\vertex\vxg4_srv\user (Vertex G4 Mechanical Engineering)
    • \\SERVER\vertex\vxbd_srv\user (Vertex BD Building Design)
    • \\SERVER\vertex\vxed_srv\user (Vertex ED Electrical Design)
    • \\SERVER\vertex\vxg4plant_srv\user (Vertex G4 Plant and Piping Design)

You can also skip this step and copy the LICENSE.TXT file to the folder vx[..]_srv/user on the server after the upgrade.

Check the installation data

  • Check the installation folder, the language of the software package, and the license server information (if a license server is used).

Enter the workstation license installation path

  • First, check the installation path of the workstations from the previous installations.
  • Accept (or enter) the installation path on the workstations. The default is C:\vx[..]\.
    [..] describes the application

An example of the folder path of a workstation license:

  • C:\vxg4 (default folder of Vertex G4)
  • D:\vertex\vxg4plant (Vertex G4 Plant on the D drive in the folder vertex\vxg4plant)
  • C:\CAD\vxed (Vertex ED on the drive C in the folder CAD\vxed)
  • C:\30_0\vxbd (Vertex BD on the C drive in the folder 30_0\vxbd)

Please note:

  • Allowed characters in the folder names of the installation path are alphabets (a-z, A-Z), numbers 0-9 and underscore (_).
  • Use a backslash (\) as a folder separator in the installation path.

Installation done

  • Confirm by clicking Finish.
  • You will be instructed to install the client licenses.
  • If the license server is not used, you are prompted to connect the protection modules in the ports on the workstations. The protection modules are not needed if a license server or NetVID licenses are used.

Upgrading the workstations

Start the program

  • Go to the workstation.
  • Start Vertex G4 by double-clicking the shortcut icon.
  • The program asks you to confirm that you want to run the installation. You must have permission to install the program in the folder defined by the installation program.

  • If the execution stops here, it may be caused by inadequate user permissions. Ask for a person who has administrator credentials and permission to install the program on the computer.


Do not use the command file client.bat to upgrade the workstations.

If you try to install the program using the command file vxg4_srv\Client_Install\client.bat on the server instead of upgrading, you will receive the following error message.

If you clear the installation folder, you will lose all your preferences, backups, and browser favorites that have been saved on your workstation.

For completely new workstations, you can install the program using the client.bat command file.

Install or skip the HASP driver

  • If the license server is the licensing method, this question is not prompted.
  • If you are using a NetVID license, select No.
  • If you are using a HASP module, and Vertex has been previously installed on the computer, select NoThe driver has already been installed earlier and you do not have to reinstall it.

  • See the installation of the HASP driver in the section Protection Module in the Licensing Methods of Vertex CAD Software instructions.

Installation done

  • Confirm by clicking Finish.
  • Start the program by double-clicking the shortcut icon. The first start up will take some time as the necessary files are copied from the server to the local installation folder.

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