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Profile Joint Library 2025



We presented these reforms in the major version 31.0.0 (2025)

New features and improvements for piping design and libraries

We made it significantly easier to manage the dimensions of profile joints. The program now remembers the dimensions of the previously added profile joint while you add the next joint.

You can replicate an existing profile joint from your model with equal dimensions to a new location.

We made it possible to change the dimension table information of several similar joints by editing one joint.

Copy parameters from the dimension table for next component when adding profile joint

The program now remembers the selections made in the dimension table when you're adding profile joint components. These selections will automatically apply to the next profile joint component when you add it in a new location.

This feature will be available for adding all adaptive components, such as banisters, ladders, and stairs. (Vertex ID: VXPLANT-446)

Add same profile joint

You can now select an existing profile joint in the assembly and initiate the action Add > Same profile joint from the context-sensitive menu. The program will then add a similar profile joint with the same dimensions as the selected one. (Vertex ID: VXPLANT-570)

Change similar profile joints to the same dimensions

When editing a profile joint added to the assembly using the dimension table, you have the option Set for all similar. This option is available if there are other similar profile connections in the same assembly. When you enable this setting and exit the dimension table by clicking the OK button, the values will also be applied to other similar profile connections within the same assembly. In addition to the same assembly, the function also searches for similar profile connections in local sub-assemblies.

Note: The same dimension table setting is now applied to all locally added components in the assembly for which the program offers the Dimension Table... function (e.g., adaptively added banisters and stairs). (Vertex ID: VXPLANT-532)

Creating prefabricated assemblies from profile joints and joined profiles

We enabled the creation of assemblies from profile joints and associated profiles in profile joint addition. There is now a checkbox Create profile assembly in the upper left corner of the window for adding a profile joints, When this checkbox is active, the user can create a new subassembly from the added profile joints and the associated profile after approving the dimensions of the profile joint. If the associated profile is already in its own sub-assembly, the profile joint will also be moved to the same sub-assembly without a separate prompt. The Create profile assembly setting is not active by default after program startup. During program use, the setting remains as the last selected option. Depending on design practices, the newly formed sub-assemblies can define, for example, prefabricated steel structure assemblies. (Vertex ID: VXPLANT-435)

Plates of profile joints are now sheet metal parts

We changed the plates of profile joints to sheet metal parts. Now the item data and parts list show automatically billet's dimensions of the part (e.g. 200x100x10). We created new items for this purpose to the databases d_COMPONENTS ja d_COMPONENTLINK. The admin might have to do some updates to the databases to get this update working in your Vertex environment. (Vertex ID: VXPLANT-439)

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