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Insulation 2023



These reforms are presented in the major version 29.0.00 (2023)

New features and improvements for insulation handling

We updated the insulation dimensioning criteria to match the valid PSK standards.

At the same time, we renewed the user interface for defining insulation properties.

You now have access to all the material options of group 37 PSK standards for insulation and coverings.

We also added two new features to the program, which allow you to easily edit the insulation on the pipeline or remove all the insulation from the pipeline at once.

Dimensioning standards of insulation have been updated to match current PSK standards

We updated the dimensioning standards of insulations according to PSK standards

Please note! These updates are based on the Finnish standardization organization PSK. These updates may not be valid in your country or region.

The insulation properties follow the current PSK standards from group 37. (Vertex ID: PLANT-4332)

Determining the properties of insulations has been renewed in many respects, so the user interface has been updated, and the databases supplemented:

  • Type (PSK 3703)There are seven different insulation types available, for example, Economical thermal insulation (TLE) and Economical cold insulation (TKE).
  • Dimensioning parameters (PSK 3704): The choice of insulation type affects the available dimensioning parameters. The parameters are temperature, table, emissivity, and time. There are three options for Economical thermal insulation in the table parameter, and they are basicgood, and excellent. The dimensioning parameter determines the insulation thickness. The cold insulation complies with the standard PSK 3710.
  • Material (PSK 3705): The insulation material can now be selected according to the current standard with the help of a new database. The dialog shows the insulation's code, product type, and class.
  • Covering (PSK 3706): The covering material can now be selected according to the current standard with the help of a new database. The dialog shows the covering's code and thickness.
  • Covering as seperate item: The standard PSK 3705 defines the insulation's item code so that the covering is a part of that code. You can list the covering as a separate item for each insulation item by activating the check-box Covering as seperate item.

Editing and removing insulation is significantly easier than before

Edit pipe line insulation

You can now edit the properties of the pipeline's insulation from the whole line or selected segment. It's a significant improvement compared to the previous method, where editing meant removing the existing insulation and inserting them again. (Vertex ID: PLANT-3640)

Remove pipe line insulation

You can now remove the pipeline's insulation from the whole line or selected segment. The old method is still available for removing individual insulation items from the assembly. (Vertex ID: PLANT-3641)

The color of the insulation can now also be determined according to the flowing material

We have updated the old feature which allows you to set the pipeline's and related components' color according to the flowing material. Now you can also set the color for the insulation. We also adjusted the user interface. (Vertex ID: PLANT-3635)

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