Drag the file from the downloads section of your Internet browser onto Vertex G4.
Be sure the models are found (in browser B) in project VX_COURSE_ASSY.
If necessary, refresh your browser, if those models VX_AS9-P* are not found immediately.
Open the assembly
Press key.
Select project VX_COURSE_ASSY.
Open the model VX_AS9.
Look at the model. You will notice that the horizontal frames have the shape of a joint, but the joint machining is missing from the vertical frames.
Explodethe model.
OK returns the model to the assembled state.
This exercise
The first model of this exercise comes from the carpentry industry, as the traditional pin joints made there are perfect for describing the application of the function.
A couple of other exercises are closer to mechanical engineering.
Perform boalean
Right-click function: Boolean.
The Boolan operation dialog opens.
Accept the operation: Subtrack.
Under Parts, press Insert.
Click the vertical frames to be machined.
Acknowledge that the selection of parts is complete
key or the mouse middle button or right-click function
The selected parts appear in the list.
Under Tool Parts, press Insert.
Click the horizontal frames that act as tools.
Acknowledge that the selection of parts is complete
key or the mouse middle button or right-click function
The selected parts appear in the list.
OK performs machining.
Check the model
You can either hide the parts or view the model in the explode position.
Hide a part with either the right-click function Hiding > Hide or the Hkey when the cursor is over the part.
Save the model
File > Save or click or press
Options for Operation
Subtract =The geometry of the other parts is removed from the part.
Unite = The geometry of the other parts is added to the part.
Intersect = Only the part that is common to both parts is left in the part.
Subtract with tool = The tool geometry in the second part is removed from the part.
Create a new assembly
File > New > Assembly.
Enter the label (which is also the name of the model and by default will be the name of the drawing).
Enter the archive information by clickingArc.Data.
Select the project where the model will be saved.
Create the two parts
Create two new parts in the assembly (link parts so that the parts have their own drawing if necessary).
Right-click function: New > Part...
Part 1: Tank casing
Right-click function: New Sketch > To horizontal (XY) plane.
Sketch the shape.
Note the guide line (length 160)
Operation: Boss - Extrude - In Both Directions. length 140.
Part 2: Supply pipe
Right-click function: New Sketch > To vertical (XZ) plane.
Sketch the shape.
Operation: Boss - Extrude, length 140.
Position the parts correctly
The parts are locked in the places where they were modeled. Unfix the pipe and put in place using constraints.
Click on the supply pipe.
Right-click function: Constraints > Release.
Add a concentricity constraint to the pipe and the guide line of tank casing.
If necessary, change the search method from faces to all geometry.
Add a coincidence constraint between the end of the tube and the end of the guide line.
Drag the file from the downloads section of your Internet browser onto Vertex G4.
Be sure the models are found (in browser B) in project VX_COURSE_ASSY.
If necessary, refresh your browser, if those models VX_AS9C* are not found immediately.
Open the assembly and perform machining
Open the model VX_AS9C.
Right-click function: Boolean.
Select the operation: Subtract with tool.
Select the frame plate(VX_AS9C-P2) as the part to edit.
Select the flange(VX_AS9C-P1)into the tool parts.
Boolean versus Machining Features
You could also machine the frame plate with the function: Machining features> Execute.
If you do this, the original part (VX_AS9C-P2) will not be machined and machining will only be executed in this assembly.
After part selection, the machined part can be saved with the right-click function: Machining features > Save Machined as New.
This part is saved so that it only shows the so-called Base Feature, that is, the history has been removed from the part.
I recommend that this function is used only for the for machining welding assemblies.
When you "machine" with the Boolean function, the part model itself is also edited, so the machining is displayed in the part model itself and its drawing.
Edit the relative position of the parts
Drag the flange to another location (There is no constraints have been added to fix it in place).
Create machining the holes in the new place
Function: Solve (You can find it on the ribbon or in the right-click menu).
Note that updating the model with the F5 key is not enough to perform machining again.
Visibility of Machining features
In the assembly, you can use the M key to hide and show machining features.
Save the model
File > Save or click or press
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