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5. Step bend

Exercise 5: Suction hood 


Version compatibility

This exercise was carried out with version 27.0 (Vertex 2021).

Table of Contents

In this exercise you will learn to

  • Modeling a part using cross sections and lofting. Thus creating the main shape of the desired hood. 
  • To create a sheet metal part with the tangential offset function.
  • To create the Step bends that are required for the Unbend (Flatten sheet projection)
  • To create a 3D unbend.

Functions to be used:

  • Sketching + operation: Cross Section
  • Lofting > Boss (Skinning)
  • Tangential offset.
  • Step Bend
  • Unbend

Main stages

  • Model the cross sections.
  • Use cross sections to create a part.
  • Create a sheet metal part from the part, using the function: Tangential offset.
  • Create a Step bend on the spline surfaces of the corners.
  • Unbend the part.

Create a new part

  • File > New > Part.
    • Enter the label (which is also the name of the model and by default will be the name of the drawing).
    • Enter the archive information by clicking Arc.Data.
    • Select the project where the model will be saved.
    • OK.

Create the first cross section

  • New Sketch > To horizontal (XY) plane.

Sketch the shape

  • The function: Two point rectangle.
    • Sketch a rectangle symmetrically about the vertical axis of the central cross.
  • Add the Conincident constraint between the upper horizontal line and the central cross.
  • Add the Symmetry constrain between the vertical lines and the center cross.
  • Add the Distance constraints.
    • 800 and the formula: WIDTH.
    • 400 and the formula: DEPTH.
  • Click the two points in the bottom corner.
  • The function: Round.

    • 150 and the formula: R1.


  • Cross Section.

Create the second cross section

  • Click  the first cross section.
  • Right-click function: New Sketch > Parallel.

    • Enter the value: 400 and the formula: HEIGHT.

Sketch the shape

  • The function: Two point rectangle.
    •  Sketch a rectangle symmetrically about the vertical axis of the central cross.
  • Add the Conincident constraint between the upper horizontal line and old line, if needed.
  • Add the Symmetry constrain between the vertical lines and the center cross.
  • Add the Distance constraints.
    •  400 and the formula: WIDTH2.
    • 200 and the formula: DEPTH2.
  • Click the two points in the bottom corner.
  • The function: Round.

    • 30 and the formula: R2.


  • Cross Section.

Use cross sections to create a part

  • Click both cross sections (Remember Ctrl key with later cross section).
  • The function: Lofting > Boss.

    • The Loft dialog opens.
  • Accept defaults.
  • OK.

Create step bendings

Step bends must be created on each surface to be separately.

  • Click the face, shown in the figure.
  • Right-click function: Step Bend.
    • Number: 7 and the formula: PCS.
    • Radius: 4 and formula: RADIUS
  • OK.

  • Click the face, shown in the figure.
  • Right-click function: Step Bend.
    • Number: 7 and the formula: PCS.
    • Radius: 4 and formula: RADIUS.
  • OK.

Note the radius value

The radius of the Step Bend depends on the following factors:

  • Are you adding material In, Middle or Out with the function Tangential Offset (See the next step).
  • From the radius of the bending blade.

Create a sheet metal part

  • Choose one of the oblique faces.
  • Right-click function: Tangential Offset.
    • Value (Sheet metal thickness): 1.
    • Click: In (the direction the material is added relative to the selected surface.)
  • OK.

Create a 3D unbend

  • Activate the ribbon of Sheet metal part.
  • The function: Unbend.
  • Accept the face selected by the program or select a face.

Create rebend

  • The function: Rebend.
  • Note that if no features have been added to the unfolded part, the Rebend function removes the Flatten Sheet feature.

Save the model

  • File > Save or click
    or press

Further processing of the model (These are presented in Exercise 5 "Drawing on model")

You can add a material item to the model with the right-click function Item Data.

  • These will also appear in the parts list of the model drawing.

You can create a drawing for the model:

  • In the feature tree, select Drawings.
  • Right-click function: New Drawing.


Duration 1m 50s

For the best quality for your video, watch it:

  • In full screen mode.
  • With a resolution of 1080pHD.

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