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Uncheck the Document


If you have checked out a document for editing but decide to undo your changes, you can uncheck the document to the server without any modifications.

Documents should not typically be left checked out for long periods, such as during vacation.

  • For this reason, it's a good idea to occasionally check which documents you have checked out and either checked in or unchecked them.

  • Users can only uncheck documents they themselves have checked out.

  • An administrator can uncheck documents for all users if necessary.

For documents in general: Documents and their handling

Uncheck the Document

(1) Select the document

(2) Select the function Document > Uncheck.

Find your reserved documents

(1) Click on the Flow icon on the left side.

(2) Click on the Checked out block.

  • The program opens a list of objects you have checked out.

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