Companies are diverse. The organizational structures within companies are designed to meet the needs of management and business processes. The departments or units mentioned on the previous page are just examples of the benefits and applications of Flow. Flow always provides a solution for gathering scattered information into a single system. The scope of Flow is not limited to the functions described above. Our clients operate in various industries, with processes and levels of decentralization that vary widely.
Roles of Systems
It is important to understand the roles of different software used by the company correctly. A PLM system is designed for managing product information and documentation, taking into account the various stages and functions of the entire product lifecycle. ERP and CRM systems provide their own toolkits for the overall information management solution. It is essential to use different programs for the functions where they excel. A PLM system is not intended for inventory management or accounting, nor is a CRM system designed for managing product structures. The entire system and the people for whom the software is designed must always be considered.
Customizing Flow to fit your company's operational environment is crucial to optimally supporting the entire company's processes. A PLM system is not a plug-and-play type of software; rather, it provides a platform to support a wide range of daily activities. If your company has functions for which you did not find corresponding guidance on the previous page, please reach out, and we can work together to find a suitable solution for you.
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