Typically, purchasing activities in companies are largely based on an ERP system, which also includes inventory management. However, Flow produces the design structure and generates purchasing needs. Specifically, components or raw materials with long lead times require quick responses from the procurement side as well. In Flow, communication can be managed through workflow in such cases: a request for the procurement of long-lead-time items can be sent directly from the design table to purchasing. This does not require the entire structure to be completed and transferred to the ERP system.
The purchasing department's work is also facilitated by the fact that in Flow, all drawings stored from the design process automatically generate a PDF version. This is an optional feature in Flow that is commonly included in most Flow installations, as it significantly reduces unnecessary communication: any Flow user can download the drawing for viewing without needing to request it separately from the design team. A Flow user can always open the PDF file without a CAD license.
Other Specifications
Items are often associated with other documents besides CAD files, such as product specifications and requirements, which can also be accessed directly through the item.
Cost Awareness
Purchasing can also add the average purchase price to the item, which increases cost awareness in other departments.
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