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Privacy Policies

Trusted Communication Connections

Flow and DS web browser usage (SSL, VPN)

Usage within the company's local network or remote access via a secure VPN connection with HTTP browser usage is sufficient.

In unsecured internet connections, an SSL-protected HTTPS connection can be used, which is standardly available in Flow/DS products.

The customer must obtain an external SSL certificate from an external authority or their service provider. Only then will the SSL browser usage not report the absence of a certificate (e.g., "This site is not secure," red coloring, etc.).

Using Vertex CAD and Flow/DS Integration

Within the company's local network or with a secure VPN connection, CAD integration using an unprotected connection (IOP) is sufficient.

In unsecured internet connections, a protected (SSLIOP) CAD integration connection can be used, which is standardly available in Flow/DS products.

Downloaded Files

When using the 'Check Out and Open' function of Flow or DS, a local copy of the document is downloaded to your computer. If the file contains personal data according to GDPR, ensure that local copies are deleted or that the associated security risks are otherwise managed. On a machine running Windows 10 with Java plug-in support in the web browser, the local copy is downloaded by default to the AppData folder (workspace): C:\Users<user>\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\VxPdmDownload<folder>.

When you log out of the Flow or DS system in the web browser, the Java plug-in automatically deletes document temporary files older than 40 days from the workspace. Files downloaded for viewing are deleted immediately. If the Java plug-in is not in use (e.g., tablet devices) or if the files are produced by the Reports or PDF Book functions, they are saved according to the web browser or device's storage policies. When handling personal data according to GDPR or other sensitive documents, manually delete local copies from your computer after processing. Remember to also empty your computer's recycle bin. This measure ensures that data security is not compromised.

Flow and DS Data Content

When saving data to the system, consider the data content in terms of the data protection regulation. If the data includes personal information as defined by the regulation, it must be accurate and necessary. In other words, if the personal information is not essential, do not save it.

User Log (User Log Product Option)

The user log collects information in the database about actions performed by users logged into the system at a specific time. These actions can include logging in or opening a specific document for editing. The product option associated with the user log enables Excel reporting of log data. With Excel reporting, system administrators can investigate security breaches or other data misuse if necessary.

Application Server Log Files (Tomcat)

The Flow and DS application servers store runtime information in their own log files. These files are stored on the server and are accessible only to system administrators. The log files contain information about user actions, potential error situations, and other software-related usage scenarios. This information is used solely for product maintenance and to improve usability and quality.

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