Information is one of your company’s most important resources. It must be accessible to all who need it. Access to information must also be controlled in a managed way to ensure that the company’s significant competitive advantage does not leak to the wrong parties. Vertex Flow provides a platform for managing product information and project management. In particular, Flow offers an effective tool for the needs of the subcontractor network, as subcontractors can be integrated into the same system as the company’s own organization, thereby reducing unnecessary and inefficient email communication.
Time spent searching for information is wasted time. In Flow, information can be organized to support daily operations. The program is not just a data repository. All data stored in Flow can be linked to the relevant contexts, allowing the right information to be found quickly.
Decentralized Organization
Many companies now operate in multiple locations and, with globalization, even in several different countries. Managing a virtual organization poses challenges for management and leadership. Flow provides a common database for the entire company across geographic boundaries. Flow connects all members of the organization to the same data repository, regardless of their geographic location.
Sales and Projects
One of the key benefits that Flow offers, particularly for sales management, is immediate access to materials produced by the design team. Flow’s projects archive previous quotes sent to customers and sold products. In projects and materials produced by the design team, Flow's workflow clarifies who is responsible for the project at any given time. Project management can always see the status of projects in Flow’s user interface. Project tracking can extend in Flow all the way to delivery and after-sales services.
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