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Importing objects, the code is retrieved from the code series


Objects can be imported using an Excel sheet in such a way that the object's identifier is retrieved directly from the series of identifiers, eliminating the need to write the identifier in the Excel sheet.


Objects can be imported using an Excel sheet in such a way that the object's identifier is retrieved directly from the series of identifiers, eliminating the need to write the identifier in the Excel sheet. For example, importing a document object.

Format of the Excel sheet:


OBJCODE: Here, you select the identifier series for the document type, with the prefix of a #-symbol. A single #-symbol without a prefix retrieves the identifier from the default identifier series.

You fill in the other fields according to the type of object you are importing and the information you want to include.

During the import, you can also create a link to a project, customer, item, product, or another document.

See: Import data into Flow (version 24.0)

See the sample file at the end of the Import data into Flow (version 24.0) page.

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