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Flowlet is a background application which makes Flow smoother to use.


Flowlet is a Windows utility program that makes possible to use Google Chrome, Edge Chromium and Mozilla Firefox browsers with Flow.

Flowlet's task is to access the local disc of your workstation. It works as a middleman between your workstation and the server. It controls file transfers and Windows program launches.

Flowlet does not support mobile devices. Modifying files is limited: you have to take care of file locations when checking out document files.

Flowlet needs a permission to open web link on the web browser. Follow the instructions below to give the permission on Chrome and Firefox.


To prevent Launch Application dialog popping up continously select ‘Remember my choice for flowlet links’ checkbox and press OK button to continue.

To prevent Open Flowlet dialog popping up continuously select ‘Always allow ... ’ checkbox and press Open Flowlet button to continue.


Flow recommends you to install Flowlet on the first login.

Select Install and run the installation.

Flowlet is now running and its icon shows on the task bar.

Connect Flowlet to the server as follows:

  1. Refresh the browser running Flow (press F5 button) or log on again. Flowlet window pops up.
  2. Fill the password field on the Connection sheet. Use your Flow password.

The successful connection is indicated with ‘Connected to Flow’ text with green background. Now you can close Flowlet window and start using Flow.

When using Flow, you can see the successful connection indicated with green ball on Flowlet icon on the Flow toolbar.

Flowlet updates itself automatically via Internet by default.

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