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Delete the file of document


Deleting a document's attachment requires reserving the document for your user account.

Changing an attachment to another file does not require deleting the old attachment.

  • You can replace the main file with a new one when restoring a document.

  • See: Restore Document.

On documents in general: Documents and Their Management

If you delete the main file of a document, Flow will also delete the other attachments of the document, such as PDF preview files.

Delete a Document Attachment

(1) Reserve the document using the action Document > Reserve and Open.

  • Flow will open the main file, which you can then close.

(2) Click the gear icon in the type field of the attachment you want to delete.

  • Flow will open a dialog window with File Details.

  • If you have not reserved the file’s object for your user account, the Delete File button will be grayed out and unavailable.


(3) Select the action Delete File.

  • Flow will ask for a confirmation.

(4) Select OK if you want to delete the attachment, or

  • Select Cancel / Cancel if you do not want to delete the attachment.

  • Flow will delete the file and its possible alternative file formats.

(5) Restore the object reservation using the action Document > Restore.


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