In many industrial companies, both design work and manufacturing are carried out through subcontracting. This trend is more likely to be growing than declining. Subcontractors need access to the materials in the principal’s archives that are related to the project at hand. Working on the task also requires access to the item database to select the right components and materials during the design process. However, the principal often wants to regulate the visibility of the item database for the subcontractor. With Flow, subcontractors can access the principal’s system with the rights set by the principal. The use of Flow enables up-to-date design information continuously, as every designer—regardless of location or organization—stores their work in the same system. The principal can monitor the progress of the project, and the subcontractor can avoid unnecessary email communication by using Flow.
Company Locations
A company’s own organization may have several locations that can be connected to the same data repository through Flow. The operation largely follows the subcontracting model, but the rights situation is different. Temporary remote work is also made possible in a new way, as internet access allows access to the Flow system from various devices.
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